Wires have been crossed, and heroes have been vilified...
Let's get in to it:
Phytocannabinoids are the natural medicinal and active compounds found in the Cannabis Plant. You're probably very familiar with 2 of them already: CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydracannabinol) - but there are actually around 160 'identified' phytocannabinoids (meaning, they've got names for them and have recognised their active role within the plant) Together with terpenes and flavanoids, responsible for the therapeutic benefits and aromatic/flavour compenents of the plant respectively, they produce "The Entourage Effect".
"The Entourage Effect" is – the theory that the full spectrum of the cannabis plant works best together the interaction between all of the compounds from a cannabis plant, such as phytocannabinoids and terpenes, come together to enhance their effects
CBD and THC are the most abundant cannabinoids found within this incredibly healing herb, and they are quite literally a marriage made in heaven. CBD is well-known and widely used for it's anti-inflammatory effects, and can be helpful in lowering blood glucose levels in some instances, making it a helpful supplement for the management of diabetes. CBD is non-psychotropic, which is why it's so popular among....those less informed, or those who have fallen foul to the "bad press" (I'll just be polite and call it that), surrounding the stronger, more potent, and psychoactive compound called THC.
THC is, in short, incredible. It's the most powerful cannabinoid found within the cannabis herb and delivers impressive and robust healing benefits, such as relief from chronic pain, chronic inflammation, depression, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, PTSD, ADHD, epilepsy, tremors, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and of course, cancer. People have been led to believe that THC is a dangerous "gateway drug" - whatever that's supposed to mean. The "experts" will tell you it means that it leads you to hardcore drugs such as cocaine, heroin, meth, and the likes. However, it actually refers to the opening and broadening of the mind - a "gateway" to reality, if you will. It helps you to be more objective, more responsive and less reactive to situations that you perceive to be stressful, for example.
You see, both CBD and THC are psychoactive. YES! CBD is psychoactive! Bet they told you it wasn't, right? Let's get some clarity on this:
"Psychotropic refers to a substance that affects your mental state and ability to cognitively function. Psychoactive refers to a substance that passes your blood-brain barrier. So while both have an effect on your brain and its function, not all psychoactive substances are psychotropic."
The National Cancer Institute cites the definition of a 'psychoactive drug' as being "A drug or other substance that affects how the brain works and causes changes in mood, awareness, thoughts, feelings, or behavior". The Miriam-Webster dictionary says 'psychoactive', "affecting the mind or behavior". The Oxford Learner's Dictionary says almost the same thing, "(of a drug) affecting the mind". And most importantly - because we all know that they are the global(ist) leaders in health and should by trusted by every living, breathing human being - the World Health Organisation (WHO) state on their own website that "Psychoactive drugs are substances that, when taken in or administered into one's system, affect mental processes, e.g. perception, consciousness, cognition or mood and emotions".
So it is fair to say that based on these statements, that both CBD and THC are responsible for altering your state of mind, your behaviour and your consciousness levels, granted, to varying degrees of intensity. But if this is true, why is one of them legal, and not the other? The truth is, we've been so brainwashed in to thinking that anything "different" is "dangerous". Anything "unusual" isn't "normal".
You have truly been made to think that an open, instinctive intellect is inferior to a closed, indoctrinated and programmed mind.
Most of the world's governments have only legalised the non-psychotropic cannabinoid CBD, and locked the psychotropic component, THC, in to a pointless prison. "Why is that?", you might be asking. In short, CBD and THC are most effective when they work together. That's because THC plays a vital role in directing CBD to your cannabinoid receptors, which are strategically placed through both our body and our brains.
All mammals, including human beings, have an Endocannabinoid System inside their bodies. The Endocannabinoid System produces molecules called Endocannabinoids, which stimulate our cannabinoid receptors. These Endocannabinoids are almost structurally identical to the molecules inside the cannabis plant - imagine that!! So maybe you're starting to understand why the cannabis plant and the human body work so synergistic-ally, both medicinally and recreationally.
But back to the vilification of THC. THC has done nothing wrong, except be almost fully responsible for the healing and full eradication of illness and disease, even the most aggressive cancers.
"Another patient cured, is another customer lost"
It is a little known fact that NHS doctors are paid a commission each time they write a prescription - keeping you inside a perpetual cycle of sickness - all the while, they get paid for keeping you there. But these doctors are not to blame. I am sure that most healthcare workers go in to the profession with good intentions - to help their fellow man and woman. However, they may not be aware that the system they are entering in to is more corrupt than they would care to imagine. Nevertheless, they absolutely have a duty of care to their patients to inform them of every single possible treatment option that is available to them - whether it's "on or off the record", or not; and whether they agree with the patient's choice or not. The patient has a right to choose what is right for their own body - and they certainly do not have an obligation to hand over their health freedom to someone else to take care of.
"The individual physician’s pre-existing beliefs and attitude toward cannabis influences the judgment they render with regards to its therapeutic potential."
[20. Charuvastra A, Friedmann PD, Stein MD. Physician Attitudes Regarding the Prescription of Medical Marijuana. Journal of Addictive Diseases 2005; 24(3): 87–93]
In an address to students at Harvard Medical School in 1944, when he was Dean, Dr Charles Sidney Burwell said, "Half of what we are going to teach you is wrong, and half of it is right. Our problem is that we don't know which half is which."
Since then, this statement has been echoed by hundreds of other Professors at some of America's top medical schools, who want to ensure that they deliver competent, broad-minded, impartial and perceptive doctors in to the field of medicine. In a short but very enlightening and compelling paper designed and published by Dr. Rajiv Radhakrishnan, et al., in 2023, titled "International perspective on physician knowledge, attitude and practices related to medical cannabis", it was said "In this rapidly shifting landscape of medical cannabis over the last decade, the role of physician’s knowledge, attitudes and practices has become essential given that it is touted as a bonafide medical treatment. Physicians have a duty to act in the best interest of the patient and to serve as a medical expert who can guide patients in making medical decisions while balancing risks vs benefits of a particular treatment modality" [20. Charuvastra A, Friedmann PD, Stein MD. Physician Attitudes Regarding the Prescription of Medical Marijuana. Journal of Addictive Diseases 2005; 24(3): 87–93]
Let's be realistic: since Big Pharma is and has been raking in the big bucks from helpless patients for decades, THC is just not good for business. Why legalise a herbal compound that cures disease, when you can charge literally thousands of pounds, dollars, euros (>insert your currency here<) for ongoing "therapies" (chemo/radio) that only barely keep you alive for years, ultimately leading you to a long, slow painful death? It's usually not the cancer that kills a person - it's the radioactive poison being pumped in to their bloodstream, that their weakened, pummeled immune systems are just not prepared for. And just as a side note, in 2018 The National Library of Medicine at The National Institute of Health (NIH) published a paper which openly stated:
"For over six decades reductionist approaches to cancer chemotherapies including recent immunotherapy for solid tumors produced outcome failure-rates of 90% (±5) according to governmental agencies and industry."
[Clin Transl Med. 2018; 7: 11. Published online 2018 Mar 1. doi: 10.1186/s40169-018-0185-6 "Analyses of repeated failures in cancer therapy for solid tumors: poor tumor-selective drug delivery, low therapeutic efficacy and unsustainable costs" - Hiroshi Maeda and Mahin Khatami]
The very same paper goes on to state "In February of 2012, in a National Cancer Institute (NCI) Board meeting report on cancer therapy admitted that success rate being 15% also, in March of 2012, in a Metabolon conference in Bethesda, Maryland, company professionals reported that 95% of cancer drug developed failed."
To simplify: for over 60 years the most commonly prescribed "treatment" for cancer has a 95% failure rate. And yet, here are over 400 testimonials from cancer survivors who chose to use THC-rich Rick Simpson Oil over Big Pharma. Just sayin'...
If chemotherapy fails you 95% of the time, I have a question for you; if you were booking a flight and one of the available airlines crashed their planes 95 times out of 100...would you fly with them?
But I digress. I feel like this has taken a rather somber turn. I'd like to add some levity to this story - because it is one of SURVIVAL. It is one of HOPE.
Cannabinoids are to be celebrated, appreciated, and treated with the utmost respect.
What an incredible natural phenomenon; a plant, created by God, containing medicinal compounds which are almost structurally identical to those produced by the human body, by an Endocannabinoid System which contains a vast network of cellular receptors, specifically designed to accept and bind on to these healing compounds...
Some may say it's coincidence. Those would be the skeptics. The ones that believe the carefully manufactured propaganda that only "part" of the plant is safe (the part that the politicians say is OK) and that the part with the most profound power, is not. Others would say that this innate symbiosis was created on purpose. We certainly know the latter to be true. We know that this unimaginably curative herb has been used in the healing of humanity for over 5000 years and was even indirectly referred to in The Bible. It truly is a sacred organism.
Cannabinoids can be ingested in many ways by means of an oil infusion, a paste, an extraction such as Rick Simpson Oil, an edible, such as a chocolate or cookie, by means of a suppository, and even applied topically on to the skin via cream, lotion or massage oil.
And finally, if you are at all in doubt about the efficacy of cannabinoids in the curing of even the most aggressive symptoms and diseases, please take a look at the testimonials from some of our most loyal and cherished customers. If you would like to add your own testimonial to our ever-growing collection, please don't hesitate to send and share your own experience of using cannabinoids, to our email. We'll always keep them completely anonymous.
Talk soon,